Bartholomew Company is a full service architectural firm. Services offered range from programming the client’s project requirements all the way through bidding and project delivery. Project delivery includes coordination of all professional disciplines to achieve a unified set of construction documents for permitting and construction coordination. During construction, Bartholomew is active in administration of the construction contract to insure the client’s design program is manifest. This service is available from residential to industrial. Portions of the full range of services are available on a project by project basis.

Interior design services are available to the client which includes material/color selection to unify the projects design. Furnishing selection is a service Bartholomew coordinates with ASID licensed professionals.
Project management (PM) is a service available on a specific projects as the program allows. PM involves Bartholomew acting as the manager to bid and coordinate the various sub contractors to complete the design all the way to occupancy.
Application of the design principal of Sacred Geometry is a discipline rooted in intuition and DNA. It is not taught in school and is inherent with the design professionals design discipline. Applying Sacred Geometry to any design intricately laces the design program with the proportions and ratios of nature and the universe to give the client a project one with nature and the universe. These principals are explained in detail in the book by Bartholomew, Sacred Geometry: Patterns in Architecture.